- There is on your last album, something again, of cool(expenses) a simplification of the approach for the listener. A more pop, more "commercial" side.. Is it a bend which you wished in your way to make some music?
I was just fed up with doing break after break and overprogramm my songs. I wouldn't say it's a more commercial way of doing music, it's just concentrating on the main idea of a song and not destroying the songidea by too many breaks and sounds.
-With Funkstorung, you regularly worked on formats different from the classic IDM / électronica.. Within the framework of remixs, collaborations (Jay JAy J), or still your last album Disconnected. That brought you these various experiences ? Now, "Dos", is it a new stage of this step?
For me the most important point is to try out new things...you shouldn't stand still, cause that's your death. For me it's very inspiring to work with people coming from different musical genres! ...and yes, 'dos' is a new step...I wanted to surprise and also open up people's minds. I just don't wanna do the same things again and again (even if they are great)...who wants to eat spaghetti everday...it's boring! ;-)
-I have the impression that you here still wanted to push the limits " of the kind "... Not in the complexity, used henceforth as proof of the mastery of the software, but on the contrary in the 'discreet' use of the computer . In to undo you of rules and to propose an album which rings very current, while having a heat very ' Prince_ly " (alphabet street.). What were your will and urge for this disk?
Like I said, I wanted to surprise. I don't need to prove anyone that i can use my software ;-), although 'dos' is not a simple album (all the complexity happens in the background in a very subtle way). I wanted to have a rough album but also sounding clever in a way...it's the combination of using oldschoolish elements and hightech sounds which makes the album special...and 'Yes', the funky tracks of Prince have been an inspiration, but also musicians like George Clinton, Marvin Gaye, Supercollider or also Autechre.
- During the composition of Disconnected, you said to me that you work a lot to find this pop tone. . It is easier by playing the funk? How kept silent about"Dos" built? There is a sensation for a taking " live ", a new spontaneity in the composition and the elaboration of fragments .. Felt you the need to surround you with a true group, with a singer?
Since i have been doing electronic, track-oriented music for the last 12 years, i find it more challenging to write 'real' songs. I like the structure of a song, but since I never learned how to do it it's more complicated for me than doing Techno-tracks for example. 'dos' was a bit easier to do than 'Disconnected', cause i knew better how to write songs and being rough and dirty is always easier than being clean and beautiful (like on 'Disconnected') ;-)...
How I kept the secret that i am going 'funky'? ;-) i didn't tell anyone...I also didnt play any of my new songs when I dj'ed or played live...Only since a few weeks I am playing live with Taprikk on the mic....oh, man, he is such a great singer and really adds something special to our electronic beats...we also improvise a lot on stage. Sometimes i even bring a drummer, but that's it....the idea of the album was to keep it simple and so we wanna keep it simple on stage too.
-This break can destabiliser even more your public ( funkstorung club ) ., the fans of électronica and of mix hip-hop. Kept silent about the impression to have taken many risks?
A thing natural was it to break " marion's " mould, etc...
It's always a risk when you do something new...but I just can't repeat myself...that's boring. You never can make it right anyway: when you do something new, some fans say 'uuarrghh...what's that?', when you do something similar than your old records some fans say 'uuargh...again the same stuff' ;-)...so, as musician you just should do what you wanna do!
- You does some music for TV ads and soundtracks for short movies... You continue always diverse collaborations. What are your projects? What bring they?
I am doing loads of sounddesigns for different companies (like Toyota, Napster, MTV or Siggraph) and even started working on moviesoundtracks together with Paul Haslinger (who used to be in Tangerine Dream). A few weeks ago i finised the soundtrack for the 50-year-old oscar-winning shortmovie 'Glas' by Bert Haanstra and I am also doing some stuff for a Russian Sci-Fi....puuuuh, it's loads of stuff I am working on right now...;-)
Michael FAKESCH - Dos - !K7
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