Disponible en téléchargement gratuit sur le site du label Frozen Elephants, se baladant entre Allemagne et Japon. Face A : Répétitive et lancinante, la flûte flotte sur des drones rapides et des cut au vent ciselant la structure à la fois complexe et efficace, intriguante et bucolique. Face B : Etienne nous propulse dans le vertige de sa musique répétitive, un cauchemar tribal acoustique à connotation vaudou. Vision noire et tentaculaire, chants scandés et fresques noires, sonorités traumatiques et architectures chaotiques, ciel gris et poussière de terre battue. Un grondement lourd et profond. Les dieux de la forêt sortent du bosquet avec pour parure des colliers de sortilège (pour TSUGI)
Frozen Elephants Music is a non-profit collection of audio works established in 2005 and focusing on new and dedicated approaches of electronic composition, improvisation and listening experiences, featuring an internatonal range of artists. We see ourselves as an online platform for the presentation and diffusion of these works, also hosting a concert series. Musical experimentation, analog and/or digital, is a way to explore future paths of music and sound making. Frozen Elephants Music is interested in closing the gap between electronic music and electroacoustic composition, since their production techniques and aesthetics are becoming more and more approximate to each other. Let us know if you want to get involved.
The Frozen Elephants Music project is being curated by Moritz Fehr and Peter Prautzsch. Thank you for visiting. Please see our new website for all free album downloads.