Ethan Rose - mail itw

Ethan Rose - mail itw

"Ethan Rose's work reflects his interests in old technologies, new sounds, and the restless exploration of musical form. Over the past ten years he has released recordings, scored films, performed internationally, created sound installations, and worked with a variety of collaborators. Drawing from his interests in musique concrete, chance operations and American minimalism, Ethan creates shifting sound environments that merge the old with the new.

His music is electronic in nature but maintains an organic quality because of his exclusive use of acoustic sound sources. Much of his recent work has centered around instruments from eras long past, including music boxes, player pianos, and carillons. However, he is interested in pulling new sounds and ideas out of these antiquated devices rather than treating them with a sense of preservation. By bringing a carefully detailed sense of arrangement to his music, Ethan’s pieces transport the close listener to a warm and unusual place."

How would speak you of your work?
I would say that it is a constant development. Always growing and changing. I think that I am very interested in the materials that I work with. Much of what I do is a response to a material. Intuitive.

In each of your releases, the initial point seems to be the definition of the guideline …
Well, I am just sort of following my interests. But yes, I guess I do like to set up a boundary to work within. It creates a challenge and helps guide my work.

How feel you the place of the creativity in the world musical current
I think it is a very creative time. There are lots of different splinters of things happening everywhere, and with the advent of technology people's expressions are more available. This makes for a lot of good and perhaps a lot of bad too, but either way it is rich with opportunity.

In the way of working (software and spontaneity)
Well, I use computer software to make my music. Mostly Pro Tools. I do work with a sense of spontaneity. A lot of that I learned from working with music boxes and player pianos. I try to allow things the ability to unfold and see myself as a participant in the process.

How is influenced your work by your installations (Movements, Movements)

Installation work has been a interesting new avenue for me to explore. I like how it blurs the boundaries between mediums and allows for new methods of presentation. A lot of the installations I have done are based off compositional work. In many ways it is a more direct way for me to share some of my ideas and processes with an audience.

Most of the musicians quickly become "blasé person". Difficult to remain fans?

About the economic pressure in the music world, of which think of it you? For you, our liberties increase or decrease
I think that the economy of music is strange and pretty deeply imbedded in the western mind. I suppose it is has its merits and its problems. I have been thinking more about that lately. Strange world.

Think you that there is another political motivation in the creation of a group? Of a label? In the release of a disk
I think that there are so many reasons that people band together. Music and arts always seemed like a good reason to me.

Consider kept silent in the utopia, think you contribute to change the world (cultural) and in what measure?
These are hard questions. I like to make my music, and I hope the world is better for it. I don't know how this can be quantified. But the smallest things can make big differences sometimes.

What are your deepest influences
Automated Instruments, people, outdoors, books, film, cultures, many things.